Cross Counties Golf Society - Year Book 2012

…………….says the chairman….


Welcome to normally around five hours or so of the greatest show on earth- the Circus or maybe in keeping with the ‘current’ holiday season welcome to the Pantomime that is the Cross Counties Golf Society.  Either analogy works.  We have various artistes, clowns and master of ceremonies or equally a fine collection of old dames.  And despite many pitfalls the show somehow goes on.  So let’s go down the animal scrapings rabbit hole together to a topsy-turvy land where Winter means summer sunshine and Summer means winter rains in ‘Janet Through the Looking Glass’!

Here we find Tweedledee-Hughes and Tweedledum-Hughes* at the Mad Hitters Tee Party who keep us on the yellow brick road fairways to the Emerald Green er greens.   We have our Aladdin’s rubbing things in the hope that the Genie will appear in time to find their ball before times up.  We have our Jack’s attempting to climb the OOM Beanstalk and hoping for if not a goose then some other birdie.  There have been a very long procession of very, very Ugly Sisters, the least said about those the better and most of the dwarves have made an appearance especially Grumpy! In fact there have been a few additions with Slicey, Toppedit, Duff and Bunker.

Most, in the face of various adversities, managed to keep their head, some had Cheshire Cat moments whilst others could not be rescued by Prince Charming in time to save a point.   And everybody still thinks they are as ageless as Peter Pan yet are more likely to play a Captain Hook!

All together now – 2012 – it’s behind you! Oh! Yes it is! Now who wants to be the back end of the pantomime cow/horse/whatever with Jeff’s ar*e in your face? 

Turn again Dick and Onwards to 2013!



*I am not going to entertain any attempt to single out which might be which

A farewell from your skipper


Many thanks to all for your weekends of good golf, crap golf, ribbing and humour....and even more crap golf:-)

A big thanks again to the Hughes management who don't go into Winter golf hibernation  (like a few of us do...even as Captain!!) and they continue to think of the years activities...or sharpen pencils!!


As a side compliment, I have never been with such a gaggle of footie would not surprise me if one of you lads could name every player in the Premiership!!


Now going back on speed up slow play again!!..may I suggest to the next Captain  that we only visit venues serving up a horsemeat breakfast. Maybe to trotter a round in under 4 hours:-)  boom boom!!


As departing Captain, I leave you with a couple of bits of golf philosophy which I personally practice.


1. If you need to play a must aim to rip the ball even harder!!  As Del Boy would say "He who dares".


2. Tiger at the Abu Dubai Championships in January 2013, hit a fat top shank!! was FAT...a TOP...and a SHANK...all in one!! It just cleared the ladies tee. So if it's good enough for's good enough for us!!

Sunday 06th / Monday 7th March 2011 - Winter Cup

(Report by Barry Hughes)



Matchplay mayhem as Deano get back in the winners circle


It was by popular demand that we returned to the Vale of Glamorgan for the season opening Winter Cup.  Deano made the decision not to play on the Saturday this time (after the brilliance of his practise round in 2011 led to a very ordinary weekend competition) but he did still travel on the Saturday evening determined to give himself the best chance of success.


Some of the boys did get out on the Saturday to get a sneaky practise and also their matchplay games out of the way – for one of these players….one Jeff Hughes….. the prospect of knocking Dogleg out of the 2012 Matchplay competition the day before he played the 2011 final was too enticing………………alas after falling 7 down Jeff would be doomed to glorious failure, although three consecutive holes did provide the possibility of an impossible comeback for a few short minutes…………..Dogleg would triumph 4&3 but only after Jeff had missed one final opportunity to extend his hole winning streak.


And onto Wales – with Day-1 – Barth made the call to leave his electric buggy behind (something we would hear more about during the course of the weekend) Dogleg decided work in Bristol on Tuesday meant leaving his car “at a friend’s daughter’s house” on route………Baz managed to break a tooth – but despite all these sideshows the boys arrived in lots of time, fed and ready for battle.


The day had a disappointing start as we found another society in front of us – causing a delay of approximately 45 minutes on the first tee………..and yes these guys would prove to be even slower than the renowned CCC. Pairings were drawn based around matchplay games on day-1 – and there would be a few tough games going down to the wire.  One of the games and out to bat first were Deano & Dogleg, who were meeting in the matchplay final for third time……….sadly for Dogleg it would be Deano making it a hat-trick of wins as he claimed his only title of 2011 to prevent a blank season.  The winning margin would be 3&2.

Second out to bat were Jeff, Bloddie & Lard – in one of the few groups not to have any games (Bloddie would play Sunday, Jeff was out and Lard had already dumped Dill out of the competition).  Lard’s round would be a poor one not helped by a nupty coming down the wrong fairway smacking his ball into the distance………… least that is the version of events created by the chairman……………Lard’s disbelief was tested further by Baz who collapsed to the ground on the 6th hole after a sequence off…SHANKS (yep that dreaded disease).  Baz would finally finish almost 70 yards right of the target after five shots………..(this after whacking his ball in the lake on the full and playing it……….. you can guess the result of this folly!)

Bloddie than added to the amusement (NB – but only retrospectively) as he lined up his shot – and after a might thwack his ball hit the tree in front and came straight back at him (if he had any hair it would have created a serious parting……..).  After recovering from the near impact………and exchanging deathly silent glances with the chairman Bloddie left his kit and wandered back some 40 yards to where his ball now was - Take 2 – another might thwack and the ball hit the same tree and came to rest in its original position by his kit……..



The good news for Bloddie at least he had a hip flask of Honey JD a few swift sips and the world didn’t seem quite such a bad place – a view echoed by his playing partners who both felt the honey JD was a fine addition to any golfing trip.  Bloddie would recover to post 29 points and share the overnight lead with Deano.


After Baz’s trials on the 6th he found himself a few back in his matchplay with Ian and after trading holes for pretty much the entire day – Baz would finally roll in a five foot putt on the last for a 1up victory – but the guys had become some embroiled in their matchplay – the stableford scores fell away, with Baz posting 24 and Ian 23 neither player would find themselves in the final group on Monday.


Dogleg and Barth both had a quiet day at the office staying in touch with 26 points as all the players struggled with difficult greens (but otherwise fantastic conditions).  Last of the course were Andre and Si – who were forced to play an additional hole after an all square match – Si would eventually triumph sending Andre into the numpty cup to defined his trophy from 2011.


Day-2 began badly for Bloddie - with an injury to his leg raising doubts about his ability to (a) content for the title (b) play his matchplay against Deano.  Like a trooper he would take his place on the start line – but after only 7 holes he was reduced to driver – unable to play and thus dropping out of contention.  This would leave the way clear for Deano to make it two majors in two days as he became the only player to record a score in the thirties, finishing with 31 points and respectable winning total of 60 points, across the weekend.  Both Dogleg and Barth threatened briefly, but they would go backwards posting a meagre 23 points to finish down the leader board.


Baz and Jeff both made great starts from the third group pushing each other and collecting points for fun on the first six holes – but really both were coming from too far back to have any chance of breaking into the winners circle.  Jeff would fall away around the turn but Baz would go on to scramble a blob free round of 27 points and ultimately take the runner-up spot.


Spare a thought for Gavin – not only was he playing his first competition – but he had the misfortune of being paired with Lard and Si, who spent the entire day quoting books, films and TV shows of the bygone era………this was clearly a contributing factor in his return of 9 points.  Sean also struggled with a return of only 8 points, almost allowing Tony Dill to jump out of the wooden spoon position after a pair of 10’s (which will probably prove to be more useful on a poker night………………….)

Saturday 22nd April 2012 – Captain’s day

(Report by Peng Cheah)


Baz keeps the rules committee busy!


Given the recent weeks of rain, it looked like the only thing that was going to be sunny were the breakfast fried eggs!! But we were fortunate, the heavy stuff held off.

Special mention to Andre and Sean who came from a Formula Segway!! test day that morning!! Did you test it with a golf bag? 


Before the 1st, Lard witnessed Deano attempt to exit the toilet via its broom cupboard….I don’t recollect booking 18 holes in Narnia?


Baz and jeff also set a new rule – only x3 provisional balls per player, per nine holes.  The intention here was to move play forward a bit (as our boys often hit a shed load of provvies – however with a wide open fairway and no trees the smart money was on this being a sterner test on another day.

Having taken the honorary first tee, I felt let off…nothing happened, neither the golf ball or Jeff’s pants had exploded!!


So in the first group ….I was expecting to yawn at the usual precision golf of Barth & Deano!!


The second group of Dogleg, Bloddie, Andre and Sean decided to play unsocial golf on the 1st tee. They were easy to spot as all but Dogleg decided to wear their lucky Tiger Woods red shirts.  Good on Dogleg for deciding to play and stretch the stitches in his back that day. Nothing a couple of plasters can’t fix.


Baz led the way with the 3rd group of Lard and Dill….and Baz did literary lead the way by demonstrating his new limited provvies rule on the first tee! As he became the only player needing to hit a spare ball……………….


On the nearest pin hole, having commented on Barth’s low level shot, I proceeded to thin the ball straight at the pin and onto the green. Luckily Deano saved me from winning NP with his more traditional shot!!


Sean was having a tough front 9....rumour had it that he was going to transform his sticks into something else but some decent shots and a par kept them in useful condition.  The society golf ball bloodhound (or is that the gayblade?) spotted Bloddie’s ball hiding in a tree. This left Bloddie with a difficult choice:


‘I have big hairy nuts and will take the shot’


‘Where is my skirt …I will take a drop’. 


We are still awaiting an update from our on course reporter as to the outcome…………but Bloddie was last seen wearing a skirt……………..


On the 8th hole, Baz had 150 yards to the flag, took aimed and holed out………..for a second or two as the ball was then rejected by the cup and bounced 10 yards away – in the club house Barth declared if the ball hits the bottom of the hole the hole is complete and challenged the group – did the Ball hit the bottom of the hole…………fat chance of telling that – so he was forced to carry on!


Dill confused the society again – how can I man who clearly can’t see continue to pick out small bridges to hit his ball over……..he would manage this trick on the 8th and 9th…..but not at the same time!!


Bazza found a new way to play on the 10th -  moan about how small the pin and flag are – take aim – he was to find he was ignoring the two feet of pole that had the large yellow and black square flag on it, deciding instead to focus on the small red pennant half way down.  Mr. Magoo comes to mind (anyone old enough to remember him?)

The 11th hole proved interesting as Lard, Dill and Baz all tee’d off from the wrong place….Jeff as the final member of this group calmly let this happen before declaring he would be playing from the right place – and we would all be getting the gift of a 2 shot penalty in the clubhouse…………..perhaps they wandered to the course on the other side of the broom cupboard!!


I had some faint hope of longest drive but the Barth man was a clear 10 yards ahead.- although we were pretty much the only guys to find the cut stuff.


Jeff commented that the course was too ‘up and down’.....errrr Jeff, I believe that is what gravity does to a golf ball. Without gravity, can you imagine how long our already long society rounds would take!!!

The Captains day prizes comprised ‘non alcoholic’ golfing books which included a golf manual by Tiger Woods.


As winner of the day, Deano was adamant that he did not wish to play like Tiger Woods (or words to that effect!!) and chose the Golf Courses of the World Book so we await his next choice of Cross Counties golf day!


Longest Drive went to Barth who accepted the Deano  rejected TW manual.


The prize for the lowest points total of the day went to Sean….the book prize being “How to feel a real swing”!!


There was a prize for the shortest drive…..Andre locked this down with a 0 yard airshot on the opening hole. The golf book prize was “Add 30 yards to your drive”……so zero + 30 = 30!!  So we should see an immediate benefit from Andre on the next golf day!


Thanks to all for another good Society day……and thanks to the heavens for keeping closed during our round.  AMEN!!

Saturday 04th June 2012  – Kent Stableford

(Report by Barry Hughes)


It’s in the hole! As Jeff lets it slip through his foot!


And so back to Kent for the first time in 4 years and a new course Lullingstone Park, Castle course……………allegedly this course is located between Swanley and Orpington…. however Dill and I would like an investigation into this – we believe it is really next to Brigadoon……..(maybe that would explain the various laps of the village we made trying to exit and leave………….)


Anyway back to the golf and it was an interesting start to the day, rain and low level fog promised to drench us but we continued our good fortune this year with the weather and somehow again managed to avoid a downpour.  A few guys were a no show on the day – meaning that x10 guys would go out to battle.


First out were Bloddie, Jeff and Andre – Andre and Jeff would have a good day proving numpty cup semi-finalists can be competitive – Jeff indeed claiming his place by walloping Bloddie 7&5 (proving non numpty cup semi-finalist can have a bad day)


Second out were Baz, Barth and Si – Baz and Si would also do battle this time for a place in the Matchplay semi-final (jeff to translate this is the other competition you don’t usually play more than one game per season in………….)


Last Group out included Lard, Peng, Deano and Sean – these guys would have a long and slow day at the office playing behind a two ball including old father time!  To alievate the boredom the guys decided to identify some new names for each other – Peng would become known as Frodo (on the basis that Hobbits also like two/three breakfasts).  Sean would become known as Jim on the basis that despite attending a ‘Gym’ on a regular basis he was seen using two hands (and straining) just to get his tee in the ground………

It was a slow start to the day – culminating in a reunion on the second tee – and after watching Jeff, Bloddie and Andre all smack corkers down the middle the second group found an alternate way to play the hole.  Barth loaded and fired over the tree trying for a 250 yard, high and long carry – he did this twice (but only managed it with his first ball).  Si took the height challenge out of play by knocking it 25 yards along the floor.  Baz hit the mother and father of hooks 25 yards over the fence…………….there was a hushed silence and 

then a huge clank and suddenly the ball reappeared just in bounds – Baz finding a tractor to hit and return to the course!


Baz made the best start grinding out a series of pars and bogeys – and amassing a 5 point lead over his playing partner Barth by the end of the 6th hole – however disaster struck on the seventh……….Baz left himself a wedge for his 3rd shot on the par-5 and a lovely strike would see the ball land a few feet from the flag……however a big bounce saw the ball land in the sand.  As we all know:


Baz + Bunker = bad times

Baz + Bunker (with no sand) = Blob


To rub it in barth would birdie and wipe out most of the points deficit – something he duly managed on the next hole and he then disappeared into the distance.


On the 4th hole Bloddie would hit a real duff – only for Andre to tell him……..forgetting he himself had managed to hit it all of 2 feet!  Bloddie’s response to this was to put on his sunglasses – despite the cloud being everywhere and no sun…………Bloddie justified this by claiming it helped with his hay fever – must have helped with something as the sun would appear late in the day.


It wasn’t just the last group impacted by father time – our group waved these boys through on the par-3 8th and soon wondered why – matey boy (father time’s son or in appropriate aged boyfriend) would whack his ball more times on a par-3 than we took collectively on the previous Par-5………..and father time would take 5 putts (it would have been 3 if he had removed the flag pole…..hitting it twice from inside two feet!)

Lard was starting to flag around the turn until he was saved from fading away by a chocolate finger – which was freely donated by Deano (oooer) – it was the least he could do as he battled through what was proving to be a testing, slow day at the factory.  His day was momentarily brightened by a tee shot to the par-3 which struck the flag


The last three holes of the day would prove to be pivotal to the result – in the first group Jeff would fall off his round posting just two points in the last three holes - he missed one putt from 12 inches where the ball hit the bottom of the cup and bounced back out (the cup being 3 inches deep as opposed to the usual 6!) this would lead to much debate in the clubhouse about when does the hole finish – a throwback to Barth comments the previous golf day.  In the end he would close on 32 points.

In the second group Barth would have a steady finish and also post 32 points – though crucially taking Jeff on countback.  Baz who had a very poor back nine got back in the mix by recording only the second hole in one in the society history – this would be a 124 yard wedge on the 17th hole.  After having been quite grumpy Baz’s mood brighten considerably for the 18th hole, and he also dragged himself up the leader board to an acceptable 4th place.

In the final group Deano would blob the 17th and post just two points in the last holes to also finish on 32 points………but Barth would steal the win on countback to be the second different winner of the season.


In the clubhouse Jeff would bring us back to the putt at the end of his round hitting the bottom of the cup – he was keen to have the discussion  – after much debate it was the unlikely figure of Mr Wray who would produce the rule book and ultimate decision – which was Bad luck Jeff – ball in play until it settles at the bottom of the hole!

Friday 29th June 2012 – Monday 2nd July

Cross Counties Cup - Ayr


Cross Counties Cup – Rnd-1/OOOM Rnd-3 - Prestwick St. Nicholas

(Report by Barry Hughes)


Planes, Trains & Automobiles!


It was that time of the year again and the boys set off to travel to rainy Scotland – well to quantify rainy Britain – as it had been chucking down for weeks- it would prove to be a wet journey.  The day got off to an interesting start when the young lads decided to bail on the day of the trip – Sean and Gavin deciding 4 days 

away with someone like Jeff was not a good decision – who can blame them!  After a social expresso, Baz, Barth, Si and Andre would load the two cars and start the long trek up the Motorway to Ayr – Barth decided the best way to cover the miles would be to average 70mph+ for the length of the journey – a challenge he would only lose right at the end of the journey as we encountered road works in Ayr city centre.

Jeff and lard would choose to travel by plane and train – Jeff even throwing in a sneaky practise round on the morning of travel (and getting cut………..surely he remembers the last thing you should do is play well the day before the CCC…………).  Having arrived in Glasgow the boys would get the train to Ayr……….however laziness set in and the boys were too lazy to walk to train station/hotel and instead decided to get a taxi – a costly error as a bottle of malt & spiced rum were duly left in the boot of the cab and the whiskey club would be two bottles down.


The other lads had a few mishaps as we

ll - XL would have to attend an offsite meeting in Geneva, as such would fly in on the day of the first round.  Dogleg was already in Scotland working and having expected to be clear mid Friday afternoon – would finally his work Saturday morning! 


The evening would be rounded off with Baz, Lard, Jeff and Dogleg doing karoke…….(Dogleg and Jeff doing Cool for Cats was an interesting rendition……) and then a Jagerbomb session (after as Lard was frog marched into a club).  Back at the hotel a traditional game of cards and whiskey club……………(and yes Jeff did lose again…...).

A few sore heads, a big breakfast – and some time to recover as we teed up at the Prestwick St. Nicholas mid-afternoon (probably heard how slow we are and decided to put us out as the back of the field………this view was re-enforced when initially the pro shop advised we could get off earlier – then they saw Jeff and said we couldn’t play before 1440……First view of the course…………….bugga this was

going to be tough – wind, rain, gorse, seaside, narrow fairways and small greens.


First group on the tee, Barth, Jeff, Si and XL – and after their tee shots the money was on Barth……… fact the rest of the group would really struggle and after eleven holes Jeff, Si and XL would score just 7 points each! Barth had amassed more points than his playing partners combined!  Jeff would proceed to lose 6 balls in his first 4 holes!


In the second group Baz, Lard, Dogleg and Andre would also toil on the opening holes. 


On the 4th hole two things happened, first  Baz split the webbing (between thumb and index finger) on his right hand, however despite the pain – he would find his first fairway of the day. Andre would hit a lovely tee shot – unfortunately finding the bunker………..or not? As we noticed the ball was wedge in the banked face of the bunker two feet of the floor. After much head scratching a ruling was made – ball unplayable – drop

under penalty – but where to drop? In the end we decided two club lengths and not in the sand…………a clubhouse investigation would confirm we got this right.  Later on the hole, Baz would waste his drive by chipping up a bank, only to see the ball return to his feet, the second attempt was made with a putter………same result, the third attempt was almost as bad and a quick sprint saw the ball marked in a hurry.  Dogleg who started like a house on fire would be brought back down

to earth on the 6th – a short Par-4 the pro- tip said do not cut the corner – aim at the marker post – a great drive over the marker post would result in a lost ball and a grumpy Dogleg.


Everyone would start to play a little better on the back – nine – Dogleg started back with three birdie putts on three holes around the turn – Lard however achieved something more spectacular – playing the long Par-5, Lard would hit a nice drive – but would be unlucky and find himself behind a mound…….not to worry take the medicine and a swoosh back in play with a nine iron (this would be the only option based on Lard’s decision making regarding golf clubs…………but more on that later!).  Having made a huge swoosh at the ball….he was staggered to see it move one yard – up the mound.  Having re grouped – he moved his bag forward (one yard?) and repeated the shot …..the outcome – the same, he had moved the ball one yard…..he composed himself, took his 5 wood out of the bag and this time an almighty whack saw the ball drop into the divot made by the club and a complete air shot.  Finally another attempt this time ball flew in the air and landed behind him! Net result 4 shots for minus 1 yard………..calmly he picked up his ball and announced he would be walking this hole!


Lard’s woe would continue on the 14th hole – when he played his best shot of the day and made his worst decision!  Firstly the shot – all the boys hit great tee shots down the middle – Lard would then play a glorious 

glorious 7-iron but the shot was greeted by a loud clang and the top of his club flew off after the ball…………..Next – the decision making in order to lighten his bag Lard decided to leave some clubs at home………namely his 6-iron & 8-iron…..(he did this despite bringing with him a brolly, ball scoops etc…..) –the rest of the weekend would therefore be a decision between two clubs, 5-iron or 9-iron.  On the same hole Baz hit a long tee-shot

leaving just a wedge into the green.  After discussion with andre and Lard Baz announced he would not aim at the flag due to its proximately to the bunker.  So take aim and fire! Baz’s ball bounced three feet before the hole and promptly hit the flag (this was the third time in the last three rounds Baz has hit the flag from 100 yards+)……….a sheepish Baz looked away and would go on to make another one putt (in all Baz’s scrambling resulted in only 23 putts all day)


XL demonstrated his numptyness (proving himself worth of an appearance in the semi-final of the numpty cup) by declaring “stroke Index 2 – perfect I get two shots here………” his playing partners were bemused by this as XL plays of a handicap of 19…….after much amusement this would come later in the day to haunt him further!


On to the final hole – and there had been two side events on the day

(1) This was the Order of merit round

(2) Lard was playing Dogleg in the Matchplay


In terms of the order of merit – Barth would sneak home by a few points from Dogleg & Baz – whilst Lard would finish in 4th place after another valiant attempt to make a podium.


In the Matchplay – Lard would push Dogleg all the way – having been both three up and 2 down Lard would force Dogleg to hole a six foot putt on the last to win by 1up – a challenge he was up to.


Andre played the last by whacking his ball at Si……….who was standing by the clubhouse having a fag………..he would watch calmly as the ball bounced back off the wall just short of the green.  A par would follow as Andre finished in 5th on the day.


The team event would see Team Essex (with the big guns of Dog, Barth & Jeff) humbled by team Wilts – who would lead overnight by a point – only Barth of the big three would score a win as both XL and Andre secured wins for their team.


And onto the evening – where Si and XL would appear in the pub wearing the same tablecloth………….or was that shirt? And so a new pairing was formed as the debate took place between posh and posher………….which was which? The answer after a poll of the boys was XL = Posher…………A few beers and a curry later and we headed back into town for a few more sherberts……….the first pub we came to had 

had a sign on the door – no Dogs allowed but this was put to the test on two occasions – firstly Dogleg managed to gain entry to the pub, secondly the beastie that approached the boys was certainly due for consideration when compared to the entry description…….. Dogleg would then go onto lose an arm wrestle to the said Beastie and most of the lads saw this as the time to call it a day and go home, certainly not worth remembering the fresh meat!

As always whiskey club took place – this time the participants would be Si, Jeff & Dogleg (most of the usual suspects)

Si would get a little bit pickled and re-create his artistic tendencies from France 2006…………..This year he would do an interpretation of a mathematician………..seen scrawling 18+2 = 19, all over the wall, door and door frame of XL’s room.  Lard would later suggest perhaps in future years a colouring book and some crayons would be useful – for after Simon has a few beers…………..

Sunday 1st July 2012 – Cross Counties Cup – Rnd-2

Darley Golf Course, Troon

(Report by Barry Hughes)


Slow Play raises its head……………….


Sunday morning early start for all and a few boys looking the worse for wear – Mr Wray only just making brekkie in time - minutes before we had to depart – Andre by contrast sat outside the restaurant waiting for them to start serving!


Onto Darley seen of a bad day at the office a few years before and much debate about which of the Troon courses is the toughest – Barth in his desire to be proved right  (he believes the hardest course was 

Lochgreen) decided to canvass the opinion of the professional and almost any local he could find, the funny thing is no one else seemed to care……………


The first hole set the tone for the day, the first group teed off, Jeff hit it in the first cut, Ian hit in the cabbages, Andre whacked it in the gorse and Dogleg hit it down the middle……………how did it set the tone? looking for golf balls.  In a bid to build a gap to the group in front Barth

took his group on an adventure…………The second hole at Darley is across the road so marching ahead Barth wandered down a winding pathway – when suddenly we spotted Dogleg playing a hole about 400 yards away……….so after retracing our steps we spotted a huge sign – showing where we were really supposed to go.


Onto the 4th and a short par 4 – 280 yards – Barth would take aim for the green and hoik it “way left” (barth’s words not mine…………) we set off to look for the ball – Barth soon advised he had found it – to clarify this was about 10 yards left of the fairway………he took aim and fired – ball landed 4 feet right of the flag – the birdie would duly be rolled in – this was a continuation of the skills from the day before and something he would repeat all weekend – up and down form everywhere!  On the same hole Si was getting more and more confident about his buggy running by itself………until it rolled over and plopped onto its side, he then decided to drag it for the rest of the round - with the front wheel spending most of the round in the air.


By the 6th hole the group in front were really holding the second group up – so much so that before we hit the tee shot, another group had joined us- so we allowed them to play through.  By the time we found our balls we had another group with us – so all three groups were playing the same hole.  Obviously the group waved through decided this was the time to have a mare…………..but soon kicked their games in gear and buggered off into the distance.  We of course would catch our playing colleagues within a few holes and continue to be held up.


Onto the 8th and one of the reasons for slow play became clear……….Andre hits a glorious tee shot………straight as a dye……………only straight up in the air……… no one saw it come down, and no one saw it land……..whilst this was a blow Andre was starting to play some great golf and was starting to look like a candidate for the final four ball for the last day.  Si on the over hand also played a shot straight up…………only he did his from the bunker – it went straight up and came back down at his feet for another go (it did have an impressive hang time though…………….)


Towards the end of the round Ian developed Dill syndrome………..which is hit a ball – then stroll 75 yards past it to look in the wrong place…………



Strangely Jeff had also developed Dill syndrome – although all he did was threaten to walk in after hitting lots of balls in the gorse………Barth was starting to build a big lead in the cup but decided he may need a bit more of a cushion – so whacked his drive at the closest rival – Dogleg, with the ball coming to rest after bouncing off his ankle.


On the very next hole controversy reigned – Baz came to the 320 yard par-4 and just for a change pulled out the iron for safety………..and just for a change he duffed it…..still looking on the bright side at least the ball stayed on the fairway for the first time in 2 hours!  On arriving at his ball he produced a glorious hook – with the ball diving left behind a group of trees by the next tee.  Of course the boys in front hadn’t managed to get off the tee…….and immediately signalled the ball was dead.   Baz reloaded and repeated the trick – deciding his best bet was to get some info from the guys regarding his carve in the hope of finding it.  First man he met was Andre who announced it was dead “the ball went straight in” then Jeff replied “well actually it bounced on the tee”.  Jeff then proceeded to show where the ball entered the rough and Baz was lucky enough to find the ball.  Baz decided a wild chop might just save a point……………but got very lucky as the ball popped up and rolled down to 10 feet!

The next hole was the 17th and nearest the pin – inspired from his luck save on the previous hole Baz hit a glorious approach to 4ft……and then spun 6ft down the hill.  Barth went one better glorious approach to 3ft and then spun back off the green.  Best of all though was XL who also hit it stiff but managed to control the spin and take the wedge.   It was at this point the boys behind were getting quite cross about slow play and hunted

us down again to give us some feedback and ask us to survey the hold ups across the course.   A plan was quickly formed – finish 18 and get out of town quick – no need to be in the clubhouse when the angry jocks start coming in.


A scrappy finish from Barth on the last few holes would see Baz and Dogleg close the gap and stay in touch for the final round.  Andre surpassed all expectations by posting 30 points and taking his place in the final four-ball for the first time.  Jeff improved but continued to go backwards holding 5th place only due to lard having a bad day at the office – Si and Xl continued to struggle to post a score.  Andre’s good day would see him wins the pairs event with Jeff but also beat him again in the team competition as team Wiltshire moved into a 3 point lead with only 4 matches to go – and a chance of a big upset. 

Top surrond

Sunday evening was a much quieter affair with the boys grabbing some nosh and then back to the hotel to watch the Italian’s get a proper hiding from the Spaniards……and then onto the quiz.  Team Essex were able to save some pride in the quiz by sneaking a narrow victory (although it has to be said the brains of Andre, Baz & XL were comfortably clear of Barth, Si, Jeff and Dog before the

wacky races round came up…………..Barth of course would be the tele watcher who saved the day for team Essex!


The final act of the evening saw something strange and something traditional………….first the traditional bit Barth went to bed – looking to hold on to his lead and defend the cross counties cup.  The strange bit was Dogleg and Jeff! Baz was determined to have a repeat whiskey club but Dogleg was just not having a bar of it…..and after a few hands of cards and small nip, Baz was banished to his room.

Monday 2nd July 2012 – Cross Counties Cup – Rnd-3

Glasgow Gailes Golf Links

(Report by Barry Hughes)


Barth’s drives better on the way home!


And so another cross counties cup was coming to an end with Barth trying to be the first man to win in Scotland twice.  So far the victors in Scotland read like a roll of honour Jeff (Berwick 2000), Ronnie (St. Andrews 2004), & Barth (Troon 2008) – who would be Ayr 2012.


The course looked in fantastic condition and by the end of the first hole all the boys knew the best player on the day would win the cup – Barth proved his short game was still in touch when he got up and down from the cabbages on the first to make par and increase his lead.  In fact not a lot would happen over the first few holes as all the players in the final group.  All changed however on the 4th when Barth again found himself in

the cabbages…………this time however there would be no miracle escape – in fact it was disaster as he struck the ball it flew out sideways and struck his golf bag…………a two shot penalty and blob followed – Dog and Baz both made par and there was only one point between all three players.

On the next hole all four players in the final group smacked it down the middle of the par-5 (with the balls finishing within a 10 yard circle) the second shots also finished within a ten yard circle – only Andre would then miss the green however he would play a fantastic chip shot to save his Par and bag 3 points.


In the first group the boys were making reasonable progress however it was all proving difficult for Xl as Si and Lard wandered down the fairway reminiscing about comedy and sketches…… seems the Abbott & Costello sketch “who’s on first” stumped everyone………….and you do have to ask the question – why wouldn’t it!   Lard would show his repertoire also included party tricks as he chopped out of the bunker at the par-3 – using the flag to slow the ball down.


By the 8th hole Dogleg had taken a 1 point lead over Barth and 3 points on Baz as he made his bid to become a three time Cross counties cup winner.  After various trials and tribulations all the boys were around the green.  Dogleg would make a steady par, Barth and Andre made bogey and Baz just about keep in touch by getting up and down from the bunker for par.  All would change on the 9th where Dogleg made the brave decision to try and drive the 300 yards par-4.  Baz played safe and hit a glorious 6-iron down the middle of the fairway, however disaster struck when he shanked his wedge into the gorse – a reload with the same outcome would lead to blob.  Barth made a good par but Dogleg would roll in a monster birdie putt and put clear distance between himself and the field.  Walking to the 10th tee Baz was now 7 points back and out of contention, Barth was also 3 points back.  Dogleg was in fact out in 40 shots (+4 course par) and playing fantastically well.


Back to the first group and Jeff was revelling in the fantastic conditions to post his best score of the weekend – however he and his playing colleagues almost came unstuck when they wandered to the wrong tee – this time they managed to spot the error before incurring any penalties.





On the Par-5 14th Jeff and lard were standing on the tee looking at the yardage chart.  The hole had a railway line running down the right hand side of the hole – possibly the most sarcastic pro tip ever………..”Don’t play with the trains they will ruin your card”…..At that moment a train went past without any carriages – seems there was not actually a lot of train to play with.  About an hour later the same train was seen going back the other way (probably heading back to pick up the passengers who had been left at the station!)


Up front Dogleg was holding on to his lead and by the time we got to the 17th tee things were looking bad for Barth, however hope re surfaced when Baz and Dogleg hit big drives over the hill of the 320 yard par-4.  The boys in front were still looking for their balls and on arriving at the scene Baz was able to return Lard’s ball to him…………but alas would not see his own again – Dogleg however (despite being further in the gorse) would find his ball and play another great recovery.  This would mean a 4 point lead heading to the 18th hole – the equation simple Barth would need birdie and Dogleg would have to blob.  Just a few shot later it was clear Barth would not find the 3 he needed and Dogleg was in no mood to spoil his scorecard and would therefore complete a great victory and join the list of winners in Scotland.


One of the downsides to the day was the time spent on the course, this time the first group had a 5 hour 20 minute round……..(at least the course was empty and we didn’t hold anybody up!) – this obviously meant all the travel arrangements were compromised as taxi’s arrived and people looked to get on the road – Lard decided no time to go to the changing rooms he would get changed outside………a decision that was not well received by the local club members resulting in a telling off for the chair! 

In the mayhem that followed Baz finally got the beers in from his hole in one at Kent and we all left to embark on different journeys!  Barth’s driving was clearly better on the way home as he managed the journey in 5 hours 18 mins – which was quicker than the time taken to play………….as he average 73mph all the way!  Andre had the mi-fortune to get a puncture and 

spent an hour at the services waiting for the AA to do some kind of repair that would allow him to travel at more than 50mph!  Jeff managed to blag Lard and XL into the BA VIP lounge before the flight home and then on the flight Lard found himself sitting in front of Little Mix……………….fortunately he didn’t start the fresh meat conversation again.


As always Scotland delivered a fantastic trip – well done Dogleg for joining the roll call of Scottish winners!

Saturday 28th July – London Stableford

(Report by Barry Hughes)


Lard – the fat lady is singing……..


A good day and a return to Stockley park last played in 2005, the first thing to be aware of, the changes in the course – lots of holes re modelled since we were last here and played in a completely different order.  So after hitting a few balls and grabbing a bit of brekkie we headed down to the first tee.  First group out were Bloddie, Barth, Peng & Stratts – a mix of shots followed and the boys were away.  In group two Baz, Deano, Jeff and Dill played, Jeff was the first to fail to cope with the course changes and he would start with a pair of blobs! The final group saw Lard play with Simon, Andre and a guest (his brother in law Adam came along), an interesting debate took place on the tee regarding Adam’s handicap – 18 or 20…..) as always a handicap conversation saw Stratts pipe up.  It was good to see Stratts back again and he pressed the point he couldn’t play off 5 anymore, so we did the usual and advised him 3 or 4 bad rounds and he wouldn’t have to!


After Jeff’s blob-blob start he settled into a nice routine making four pars in the next five holes to mend his card and make a decent total at the turn.  By contrast Baz was having a shocker and would indeed go on to miss every fairway on the day……some lucky scrambling would see him just about keep the blobs off his card but not many points were being made.  Dill was having a really good day off the tee and would go on to make just one blob on the back nine – recording his best finish since early 2011.  Deano would play a very srteady round accumulating lots of points and doing enough to be 3 points clear of Jeff at the turn.


In the first group mixed fortunes, Barth started well, Stratts was playing steady but Bloddie was having a nightmare – but after some coaching from Stratts he picked up across the last few holes to earn a few extra places on the leaderboard.  Peng by contrast was having a great day – only 11 points on the front nine was turned on its head with a 21 point back nine, leaping up the leaderboard.


In the final group Adam was putting plenty of good drives down the middle but it would be Lard who provided the fireworks with a 20 point front nine (including a blob!) again as with the other groups whilst a few guys were playing well others were struggling and this would be the fate for Si and Andre.  On the 9th having had a run of blobs, Si was faced with a short putt to save a point – on missing the said putt Si looked around paused for a moment and then said one word “Cock”.


Onto the 13th a long straight Par-3 Andre hit his tee shot left into the trees and obviously decided the best way to find it would be to hit another in the same place – hence his provi duly followed.  He found the provi straight away and confidently declared he would pick this up as he was sure he would find the first ball…………..5 minutes later – BLOB.


Dill and Baz were having a great battle for the minor places – Baz continued to make second ball pars (after a bad habit of whacking his first over the fence – in all he would lose 6 balls off the tee).  Their battle swung on the 15th hole (Stroke Index-2) – Dill found himself through the back of the green in two (so ther for net zero!), whilst Baz (having hit another tee shot OOB) would top his second and be 50 yards off the green in three.  Baz would somehow manage to take three more shots and save a point, whilst Dill duffed his frist chip, before hitting his second to 6 feet – he then managed to four putt, including three putts from 6-inches – we all found this comical (except Dill) until Baz also missed from 6-inches on the last green – and surprisingly everyone found that comical too!.(except of course for Baz).





Onto the 16th – a par-4 back towards home Andre hits another tees-hot in the rough, quickly followed by his provisional ball.  After discussion in the group it was decided to carry on playing and leave him to find his ball.  As the group finished the hole Andre appeared on the horizon.  He hadn’t been able to find his ball but enhanced his reputation as a “sniffer” returning with 10+ golf balls!


On the same hole a birdie by Jeff managed to close the gap on Deano to two points – as they headed to the par-3.  A second ball par by Jeff would close the gap further after Deano decided to dig a hole in the bunker – we kept seeing the sand come up but no ball appeared. On the 18th hole the equation was simple for Jeff – score one point more than Deano and win on countback (or so we thought……).  Having hit the ball beautifully all day Jeff decided now was the time to turn the ball left into the trees………not his best idea, he followed this with his provi!  Dean did his usual and wafted it down the middle.  Having found his firt ball Jeff took his medicine and was forced to come out sideways – he then had to play an 8 iron for position and hope to get up and down – instead however he managed to smack the 8-iron all the way down the hill onto the green – the ball travelling some 225 yards!  Jeff was able therefore to make his Par-5, Deano however matched this and was able to lead in the clubhouse by a point with 34 points.


In the final group Lard had fallen off the pace a little – with only 3 points in the first three holes on the back nine – however his third net eagle of the day on the 13th had got him back in touch with a chance of a podium finish (thus ending the longest sequence in society history without a top-3 finish which stood at 52 starts – since being runner up in Gloucester 2002).  Lard would play out the last few holes in a very steady manner – finishing with two points on each of the last two holes to post a score of 35 points and not only make the top-3 but actually make the top-1 and record his maiden victory.


Peng’s back nine haul was enough to see him up to 4th place and Barth would finish in 5th place after only scoring 12 points on the back nine.  Stratts would mark his return with 24 points and Bloddie and Si completed the top-10.  Si played much better than his points suggested with only 5 blobs in the round.


But all in all a successful return to Stockley Park a well, deserved win for the Chairman!

Saturday 08th September  2012  – Chairman’s Day

(Report by Dave Abbott)


Countback is the winner as Peng finds inspiration in a can of Fosters!


So here goes trying to decipher my multipharious jottings on scraggs of paper, wish me luck:  Any is reference to anyone alive or dead is purely intentional.

Ho! For Hainault and yet another scorcher – I can see the summer cup being moved to autumn.  Excellent turn out! Thank you all.


Note the brekkies covered both options of Tea or Coffee as well as Bacon or Sausage rolls and were swept away by the ravenous hordes, as per whilst Stratts was being talked in from about a mile away, then three miles away, then five miles away, then back to a mile away.  Just an idea – chuck the Stratt-Nav away, it don’t work.


Dilly remembered to bring the electric buggy for Bloddie only to inform him that it had not been charged and would stay in the car as a result – Salt duly rubbed in as Dilly strolls out to the first with his perky electric buggy which Bloddie not only had to follow around as a constant ‘same group’ reminder but at one point had to stop it as it headed off like the Mars Rover whilst Dilly searched in vain for a wayward tee shot.


In keeping with current affairs an Olympian finish with a four way tie – With the Dog putting a wet nose over the line.  Could have been different when I heard a comment about Dog’s Shocker.  I presume they meant a club but after the first tee shot I wasn’t so sure.  Baz should maybe have listened to Andre on the 18th who suggested Baz might need a three to win. The rest of the group ‘went for it’ and went left to a man but Baz played iron safe and made the four.  As it can be seen the three would have secured it. Not helped by Andre recovering and indeed making the very three advised for Baz.


The weather meant a constant oiling of his head for Bloddie followed by a wet flannel to wipe round after - no apologies for any unfortunate mental images that might conjure up.

I heard and saw the evidence for myself of Jeff’s frustration being taken out with a Babe Ruth swish at a ball with his putter only then to find his putter was in need of duct tape for the rest of the round. 


Spreadsheet mentioned often in dispatches on the day but only in the same way as successes like the Charge of the Light Brigade or Gallipoli.  Like first five tee shots with an iron all hit into cack on the right only then to take the advice, get the driver out (“it can’t be any worse” ) – and mighty biff into cabbages on the left.  It proved a long day but with a well done for not throwing the toys out of and in fact the whole pram.  It probably didn’t help that Andre ‘god like’ on the outset wrung him out 9&8 only then to hurl himself akin Icarus (well the sun was out).


Barth on the 10th hit his first ball into the trees on the right hand side, to be honest it was almost in Kent.  He then pronounces he would be playing a provisional ball that has a line on it.  He then powered the said provy into the tree on the Left a good 250 yards in the opposite direction from where his first ball went.  As the boys walked up Jeff was heard to mutter to Barth “it’s okay Barth I am sure I heard you say you had a line on that one”.  Dog and Jeff had many a guffaw alas at the time Barth did not.




Whilst not exactly putting in a great shift myself (especially feeling the pinch on the long par 5 where now only getting the one shot – I know that will not get much sympathy from many) tee shots not as clean away and a new putter which I need to get used to, I was pleased to take back to back NP’s.  If fact that hole proved good hunting for the three ball each of us taking a sound par.


It is evident from stories on the day that the society continues to approach the golf with the same professionalism as Bill Werbenuik and Jocky Wilson.  Texts from the 17th by the last group to the first group to get the beers in and Peng only managing to play whilst under the inffluence after hitting the brew on the way round.


Four stayed for Chinese after but it did include Peng so after starters and then about three rounds of eat as much of you like where the menu was worked through I think the owners were glad that a) only four stayed and b) we did eventually have homes to go to.

I see from Statto that many put in a good report making it harder next time. This includes young Wray who decided to finish the round birdie, par, par, snip, having got the birdie by deciding to leave the putter in the bag and chipping from 100 yards instead-easy game ain’t it!?  I was even reasonably pleased to see I had once again shunted the buffer, as so oft I do but now on a new lower handicap. 


With respect the ‘finally returned’ Chairman’s Plate - like some long lost friend - apparently it has been on an extended leave of absence at Maison D’ Wray, when I’d heard that Andre had effectively wiped the floor with Spreadsheet in the Janet semi-final, I figured that my distinctly average round might prove enough to see me over the line and so it proved with a 3-up win hence the additional £3 per bod Charity donation.  Sounds like if I had put anything better together it might have got really expensive. Thank you to Ian for taking up the Chair challenge and for falling on his sword I hope the bottle of wine soothed.   


As regards Charity: As per the discussion last year for people to nominate alternatives and at Baz’s request the Charity this year was split between MacMillan and Baz’s extraordinary 33 mile run for the charity 3Smiles.. A big thank you to all as we collected just short of £100 revised to £107.50 by a late Baz addendum (reminder of extra monies from Bloddie and Deano).  My thanks to Barf for his 'brown one' and to all including Peng and Stratts for filling my pocket with smash. It all works for me. For the record I will make up the difference and be donating £55 to MacMillan. I suspect Baz is likely to round up his end as well so I think we can safely report a £110 total.  The 2012 obscure Olympic Nations bus stop was won by Baz as C3-Cape Verde was eventually drawn by the girl behind the bar (having been requested for a letter between A & D she first said “H” then said “Oh! I get it – E” and finally, thank god, “C”. Fortunately a number between 1 and 4 was nailed first go. The other prize went to Spreadsheet for drawing Dogleg as the winner (apologies for the first presentation to Andre who was drawn by Dogleg – you can see my confusion).  


Bloddie has indicated to me a little taskette, for those who wish to indulge themselves; everyone should have a nickname that does not involve the person’s name.  That puts me, Dog, Bloddie and a few others in the clear but leaves the likes of Deano, Dilly and Barf on the cusp while Si will defo fail under the new regime.  As to what constitutes a ‘pass’ I suspect will need to be reviewed by Bloddie under whose auspices this resides.  

Pip pip


Postscript by Jeff…..the tale of the broken stick

First whilst on the 7th green I dropped my putter to the floor for it to tilt backwards and prod\strike me in my groin most painful and not planned.

Second On the 10th I was throwing my golf ball in the air and catching it one handed with my hand above my face, when on this one occasion I totally missed the ball and had it hit me in the face.  So now both my putter and ball where attacking me so everything was stacking up for some retribution

Now on the 14th after hitting my drive straight over the marker post we do not find my ball on the tee but local knowledge tells me that the marker post actually takes your tee shot off towards the trees on the right hand side.  Well I find my ball partially under some overhanging bushes and think I best take my medicine and punch a 3 iron down the fairway for position.  A great shot leaves me 3 feet from the green and suddenly I am feeling much happier and the world is a better place.  Oh no the golfing gods had not finished with me a poor chip followed by a putt that roles over the edge of the hole and slips two feet by means I do not get my par.  So I stand over my two foot putt and low and behold I miss, very calmly I top in for a point and retrieve the ball from the hole.  


Obviously it was the balls fault that I missed so one small step away from the hole and a lob of the ball in the air followed by a baseball swing with my putter sees my ball fly off for what surely would be a home run and I would never have to see that ball again..  Alas not the ball hits a few trees (actually a lot of trees) and pops out in the clearing which happened to be the walkway to the next hole...Anyway with my naughty ball not lost I decided I needed to play the last four holes level par to get some points.  On the green in regulation and as I look at my line holding the putter in from of me the putter head gently span around and yes my putter was broken by the failed home run attempt...I had to tighten the putter head and went on to get birdie on 15 and 16 and then bogie 17 and 18.  Maybe I should play with a broken putter all the time.  Have to say that was one expensive baseball swing.

Saturday 05th October 2012 - Wilts Stableford

(Report by Barry Hughes)


Waiting for the hangover to kick in!


And to the final day of the year – and for some a long trek to deepest darkest Berkshire (hence the Wiltshire Stableford…..confused? so am I – still on we go).  With the long trek West Jeff had taken the option of crashing at Dogleg’s gaff and going out for a few sherberts and a ruby!.............eight hours later they started on the whisky and surely win the prize for glassiest eyed golfers of the day.  The irony of the long trip west and the subsequent absence of Barth and Si was not completely lost on the group, however the best brekkie of the season went someway to making the trip worthwhile.


Pairings for the day were decided by the old favourite – pull the names out of the hat, so Group-1 would be Dogleg, Baz, Stratts and XL.  As usual a mixed array of ammo saw various balls fly to various parts of the course – undeterred by his own errant tee shot Dogleg would chop out sideways but still manage to make birdie – in fact Dogleg started like God and after seven holes he was clear of the field with 17 points,


Lard had one of those days where he played much better than he scored (so he tells me anyway………) – he was however punished by long shots into greens and the many sand traps out on the course (some of these even mascaraed as lakes!).  In fact Lard would spend many a stroke with one leg, and one leg out of the sand trying to persuade his ball to make it onto the cut stuff.


Andre went one step further – whilst having both his feet in the sand he managed to hit his ball out of the trap and back over his own head……..landing in the bunker two feet behind!


Up ahead Stratts appointed himself coach for the day – and whilst XL was having some bad times he would be given a number of drills and stance changes to think out by “stratts leadbetter” – the outcome could have been improved performance and scoring by XL………instead we got very slow play as XL started to go through his new routine before every shot.  The irony here was XL went backwards!  Having been 17 points at the turn – 6 blobs on the way home would ruin his card.


Having seen off XL’s challenge (by giving iffy golfing tips) Stratt’s was left to fend off three other players, after 15 holes he led by one point from Dogleg, Baz and Deano.  Deano was playing like God’s golfing mate! Having managed only 10 points in the first 8 holes, he would add a further 24 points across the last ten holes.  This would see him sneak home by a single point – taking him to the Order of merit title for 2012.  For Dogleg it was another year of what might have been as he was runner up on the day, with Baz making up the top-3.  Having hit the front Stratt’s just fell off his game over the last few holes but showed enough to suggest he is on his way back and will be a force to be reckoned with in 2013.


All in all another great year – with Deano the worthy winner and Lard finally breaking his podium jinx – in fact going one better and stealing a victory just for good measure.

A word from you new Captain …….its Andre


I am not very good at writing ditties like some of you are so I’ll keep it short and sweet.


So here we are again, another year of good old laddish fun (GOLF) has passed us by and another one to look forward to. I’d like to start by saying a big thanks to the Hughes brothers for all they do for the society, without whom I suspect we wouldn’t be where we are today. I’d also like thank all of you that have helped make the society what it is and for the continued rib taking that makes our society days really something to look forward to.


We have seen members come and go, some missed and some not. With times as hard as there are our golf days/weekends are a well-earned treat (well at least they are for me). Let’s hope the weather stays fair for the year and that our slowish play doesn’t cause too many issues J.


Here’s to a good and maybe a lower handicap.