Cross Counties Golf Society - Year Book 2014 Onwards

2005 Castle Coombe


Si opening his golf bag only to find that he still has a banana from the last golf day in his bag, unfortunally the last golf day was 6 months ago. 

2014 bournemouth

Let me set the seen, we are all practicing our putting and chipping, and being very sensible about it.  Bazzer spots Barth some way from his Electric Golf Cart and decides to turn it on (at a slow pace I must add).  Barth tears off at a fast walk and captures his cart before it enteres the car park and then the A338.  Barth walks staight up to Hughes Major and really loses his shit, Hughes Major being blamed for something is not new in this society and he is already waiting for the next time he is blamed.

2015 Lagos Portugal

Red night at night is not dogs delight

So we are playing in Porty (as XL would say, he being  Tim nice but dim).  I think this was 2015 nut Baz will correct me.  When baz, dog an myself are out in Pria du Luz for a pre CCC weekend beer.  I tell the waiter I can remove a cork from a wine bottle without a cork screw, and will do it for a free bottle of wine.  Of course he agrees, why you ask? Well he does! So I put the wine bottle base first in my trainer and bash my trainer against the wall… hey presto wine cork comes out of bottle…free wine… Bazzer being bazzer says I can do that and asks for a bottle of red wine.    A bottle appears and bazzer and dear stato follows the same process.  However the waiter has removed the cork and as bazzer hits the wall with the red wine uncorked in his shoe against the wall, it empties it contents all overe Dog.

2017 La Manga, Spain

Whats AdBlue?

So back in 2017 Barth, Bazzer, Dog an me have a sneaky beer and round of golf with Dog in  Praia de Luz.  Next day we drive from Dogs gaff in Praia de Luz to La Manga (where Dog found love) a short journey of 525 miles.  Well there was one of our group who drives a diesel, our dear friend Barth, as we are driving down all we  see on the dash is "AdBlue".  Barth says its ok keep driving.  Somehow we get to La Manga and the car dies outside the apartments reception.  Apparently AdBlue is important for Diesel engines

2018 Vale of glamorgan

XL pulls his shots!!

So once again we crossed the border to do battle in Wales and do battle we would as Dom would win not only the Cross Counties Cup but also the Matchplay trophy.  However, this year was the year of controversy in the Dilly Memorial Trophy, who threw the dangerously sharp piece of paper at XL and why did XL almost chin Dom?

First the controversy “Si” and XL were playing in the Dilly Memorial Trophy when XL manages to get a half on the final hole.  However, Ewen then informs XL that his first was hot OOB and therefore “Si” won the hole to win 1 up.

Then in the bar for some strange reason we all start throwing pieces of paper (editor I think it was paper) at each other.  Somome then threw a piece of paper at XL, who jumped up and smashed Dom in the chest, lucky XL pulled the punch almost as much as he pulled his OOB shot earlier so no damage was done.  The most surpri”Si”ng thing was that for once Hughes Major was not blamed.

2019 Vilamoura Portugal

The Irish joy as the beer flowed free

Its 2019 and we are back in Porty (not sure why as it normally rains for us in Porty).  As usual we had a rather larger one on opening night.  Well Dog an myself had to tee off at 8am, GolfBreaks fucked up the booking (well so Bazzer says), whilst the rest of you tee'd off at midday'ish. 

Well pissed as a fart on the 2nd I only go and get a hole in one.  The Irish guys (who also were playing with the group in front ) where overjoyed, nothing tastes better than free beer.  So apparently I had phoned Vicky not to tell her of my major accomplishment, but to warn her of my bar bill..  Needless to say 4 hours after I opened the bar for my hole in one, you guts rolled in and made that bar bill all the more bigger.  BUT IT WAS WORTH IT. 


Bazzer I aint pissed I can walk on this pavement! 

Not Bazzer again I hear you say but yes .  This time the year is 2019 (I think).  He does not learn his lesson about drinking with Dog and me in Porty.  We have a few beers a nice meal and a lot more beer.  Bazzer says he is not drunk and can walk along the pavement.  Well he failed as he fell off the pavement into the road where dog and me laughed and left him.


“Si” won, buggy dead.

Giles was paired up with “Si” and the pair of them decided to share a buggy.  All was going swimmingly well when “Si” put his ball in amongst some trees.  Giles being a nice fella and wanting to stay close to “Si” decided to follow “Si” into he trees with the buggy.  However, disaster struck Giles lost control of the buggy and accelerated straight into “Si”.  Lucky it was “Si” who got hit and the buggy hardly dented him.  Giles was of course devastated and to make matters worse the battery died (or was the buggy more damaged than “Si” following the collision), anyway the buggy was left dead on the golf course.

2020 st mellion

Operation COVID.

The weekend started with Hughes major finally being able to get into the UK to see Kiah and as she had turned 18, he had told her that she had to buy him a pint.  However, as Dog was in tow she was relived of this duty.    Dog and Hughes Major had decided the best way to get to Cornwall was by train and the COVID rules clearly stated that whilst eating and drinking it was not necessary to wear a face mask.  Therefore, on purchasing 8 cans each Dog and Hughes Major followed the rules carefully and arrived in Cornwall where they met Bazzer a little pissed.

The cross Counties Golf Society could not have been accommodated any better as they had put us in apartments quite a way from the hotel complex.  So, with Adam, Chairman Lard and Jack scuttling off to some local supermarket to get supplies Ewen reveals that he has packed a mini sports pack and unveils cards and a dart board.  So, with food, alcohol and games we all met up each night and had a pretty good laugh.  Although we did hear that some other group in the hotel had been sent home as they broke the rule of 6 and were congregating in one room.

The weather was not as good as the sports apartment we had made, and with a very tight leaderboard on the final day it rained, it rained, and it rained some more, with all groups walking in at various parts of the round.  However, how were we going to decide who won the Cross Counties Cup and got to take the claret jug home?  After Bazzer consulted everyone, it was decided that the overnight leader would be declared the winner, so Hughes Major flew back home with the claret jug.  The unfortunate runner up Adam, who was taming the monsoon did however win the Matchplay Trophy beating Bryan Arthur in the final 3&2.

2021 Salou, Spain

Is it Carry on Abroad?

We do seem to find things difficult in Spain.  This year we arrived in Spain without and Ad blue issues however with Dogleg waiting for us at our hotel, he found it locked up and closed.  We eventually found that Golf Breaks had moved us as the hotel we were supposed to be staying at was still being built, of course they had omitted to tell us of the change.

We did have one stupid incident that caused Barth to get a little angry was when someone in the back of the hired minibus decided to pour some water onto Barth’s head.  All I can say is that people walking in the street stopped to see wear the torrent of abu”Si”ve language was coming from.

The one real highlight of the golf trip was however the Tapas we had, pos”Si”bly the best Tapas ever, washed down by plenty of Cervesa and Rioja.

Congratulations went to Dog for winning the Cross Counties Cup and Dom for winning the Matchplay Trophy.

2022 Cyprus

Dom does not drink Whiskey!

We have now been going to warmer climes five times and we have this uncanny knack of bringing the wetter weather with us.  Who would have thought that playing golf in Cyprus in summer would cause us to have our round almost washed out.  Luckily, we stayed in the club house and were able to get out in the early afternoon and somehow both groups were able to finish the round albeit almost using our iPhone torches to play the 18th

One thing that always seems to happen on the Cross Counties Cup weekends is that Dom picks one night, usually the first night to decide that he is one of the big drinkers and stays out with Hughes Major and Dog.  The outcome is usually the same with Dom getting a little pissed.  However, this year Dom was splendidly drunk, and continuously informed all of us that he does not drink whiskey.  Well, we now know that’s true as Dom was lolling around all over the place and laughing hysterically.  He then decided that walking the 200 yards home was too difficult, however stealing a scooter and scootering home would be ok. The fact that he could not even “Si”t on a chair only made the outcome more inevitable.  Within the space of 5 yards Dom was laying on the floor with the scooter in top of him.

A NUMPTY won!!!!

It would be extremely rude not to spend a minute or two to describe what was an historic moment.  We have had a Numpty play in the final foursome, when Chairman Lard achieved this feat at Bournemouth in 2014.  However, this year not only did a Numpty once again play in the final foursome, but they also had the audacity to win it.  Congratulations to “Si” for the winning the Cross Counties Cup and being the first Numpty to do so.  Jack Nicholas once said, “Confidence is the most important single factor in this game, and no matter how great your natural talent, there is only one way to obtain and sustain it: work".  With the introduction of the World Handicap System, I think this quote should have read “Having shit loads of shots can make anyone a contender. “Therefore the Cross Counties Cup is shared between “Si” and the World Handicap System…..Seriously though what the WHS has created is a level p[laying field whereby anyone on their day can win.

2023 Portrush, Northern Ireland

We have eventually found our way to the emerald isle and the first thin that Barth, Dog, Bazzer and Hughes Major tried to do was to see if they could blag a late evening tee time on the Portrush championship course, only to be told that tee times were full for the next two years…..The courses in North Ireland were gems, although if you missed the fairway, you were deep in the cabbages.  This did not deter Andre who took home the claret jug beating Bazzer by one shot and making it back-to-back cross counties Cup wins for our Numpties.

Darren, Darren where are you?

With Barth finally getting us to his homeland, there was only one thing to do.   You may think that it was one of these historic things


  • Visit the Giants Causeway
  • See the Titanic exhibition
  • See Dunluce Castle
  • Go to the Bushmills distillery
  • Or even visit the Game of Thrones sites


No for Barth there was only one thing to do, hunt for Darren Clark.  We were lucky enough to see his Car Park space at Portrush golf course and even have a Guinness or two in the pub he drank in.  Alas he must have heard we were coming and made himself scares all weekend.

Peng unfortunately had some issues with his flights and put in a challenge for Dilly’s longest drive.   Although it was a splendid drive it did not match Dilly's feat, however it was the most expensive taxi ride ever at a wapping £120, the lads of course chipped in as we did not want to see Peng go without food, as we all know he does love his grub.

2024 La Manga, Spain

What no Golf!!

So back to the sunshine as we revisited La Manga, this time there was no Ad Blue issues, and everyone got to resort without any real issues.  Much to the group’s relief Dog, Bazzer and Hughes Major arrived in La Manga a day earlier and decided that Whiskey club was open.  With the bottle of Whiskey finished at 4am the lads decided it was time to call it a night, they set their alarms for the morning with Siri telling them their alarm would go off in 3 hours 55 minutes.  Shit they had an early tee off on the South course.  Not to be deterred the lads made it to the first tee and playing a scramble shot a respectable 3 under par 70.  This was the only good golf Hughes Major played all week as he releases multiple Pro V1’s back to the wild.

Bazzer being super organised, as always, suggested we get the cards for all the courses and sort out all the admin early.  In the pro shop Dog, Bazzer and Hughes Major met the lads, with Adam and Jack also deciding to have a butchers at one of the courses as they nipped out for a sneaky 18 on the North Course. When Bazzer asked for the cards for the following three days he was informed that no Golf had been booked.  Luckily it was Bazzer at the helm and not Hughes Major, as a calm Bazzer spoke to the manager and the weekend was saved…

Buggy Gate

So off to the west course we went, Bazzer had all the grouping sorted, ensuring all the Matchplay games were organised.  Then disaster struck, the west course was deserted, luckily or not, you can decide Barth and Patchy were up at the main site and had organised and paid for 3 buggies.  Hurrah some screamed.  For Bazzer this was a headache as the buggy riders did not fit the foursomes he organised, the Matchplay matches were a mess and would need to be played the next day.  There were some winners and losers here with the main winner being Hughes Major and main loser being Barth.  Jeff played so shit on day 2 that he got two shots extra for the final day and Barth made the mistake of winning Day 2 so get got cut three shots.  This eventually meant that Jeff won the Matchplay trophy from Barth 1 Up, making him the fifth person to complete the Grand Slam of Majors.  A special mention must go to Barth though who on the 18th giving Hughes Major a shot   put his tee shot in one of the many “barrancos” found on the course, took his drop and hit the most amazing approach shot to 4 feet.  There was no doubt Hughes Major had a twitchy bum as he rolled in put for 5 when Barth’s par put lipped out, had it dropped Barth would have won on count back.

Sean to the rescue.

Andre’s defense of the Claret Jug did not last long as he came in 12 points behind the leader on Day one.  He did, however, hit the trick shot of the weekend.  All weekend he was unable to hit a fairway 100 yards wide but was able to hit the ball through a hole in tree no bigger than a dustbin lid!  Lucky for Andre his son Sean was able to save the Clothier embarrassment by winning the Claret Jug at his first attempt, making it a hat trick of wins for the Numpties.  His win was more surprising as after 9 holes he only had 4 points, however with a two 5-point holes on the back nine he was able to pip Dom, by two points.  It does seem that lady luck was also shinning down on him as one of the par 3’s his tee shot looked to be heading OOB then hit a wall and rolled across the green to give him an easy birdie putt, which he sank.   


La Manga, no La Mangled!  “Estar enfermo”

So, end of Day one and we of course found ourselves in the Last Drop Bar as usual and although there was no “Si” night we were treated to something new.  Hughes Major decided it would be appropriate for a round of Baby Guinness’.   As not everyone of the group wanted one Bazzer took it upon himself to down four of them and then informed Sean that he was 3 up.  At this Sesan and Bazzer wen to the bar and started having what was to become a very messy shot drinking challenge.  They each downed about 20 shots in the Last Drop before continuing the contest in Mulligans.  They decided it was a tie and the pair of them would challenge Dog and Hughes Major to a game of pool.  It was at this point the lights went on in the bar and out in Bazzer’s head.  Somehow, we found a taxi that agreed to take us and the now comatose Bazzer home, first informing us it would be 200€ if he was sick.  Well, he managed to get within 50 yards of the drop off point before Bazzer very kindly decorated the interior of the taxi with Babby Guiness.

The next day Bazzer was still in a bad place and was just sitting at a table with his head on a pillow while 5 people attempted to get things organized, yes 5 people doing what one Bazzer does so easy.  Anyway, on one of the par 3’s the ball fell off the tee and Bazzer couldn't be arsed to bend over so hit it anyway and won nearest pin.  In trying to work out how many shots Sean and Bazzer done we believe they had more shots than what patchy had on his final round on the North course.

Final Comments

At the airport Bazzer and Dog missed the lounge as they were told that they had to go through passport control first, alas this was not the case and somehow Dog and Bazzer were able to blag the old bill to let them back over the border to enjoy the luxury of the lounge.  I am not sure if this is a bigger blag than the time at the Belfry in 2007 when Dog losing at spoof had to get us food after midnight and came back with what one can only say was an amazing cheese board.


One final comment after a great weekend away.  Team Essex who found themselves 6½-5½ on the final day would win 5 of the six matches to win the Team Event cup for the first time in what seems like a thousand years.